Sunflower Seeds
We have been reading the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ this week. Some of the children have pretended that the sunflower in our garden is a beanstalk so Miss Jackson put Jack at the top to pretend he was climbing it. Whilst playing outside today, Ciaran and Tyler were admiring our beanstalk. They were both pointing at the beanstalk and looking up at it. It was very tall. They noticed that parts of the sunflower were different colours. Tyler said ‘all the seeds are falling out’ as she noticed parts of the sunflower on the floor. Ciaran bent down to pick one up and said ‘look Tyler.’ Miss Jackson then joined the boys and talked about how flowers and trees spread their seeds to create new ones. We talked about what they need to grow and the boys thought they needed soil. We also talked about how the wind carries the seeds to the soil. Next to the sunflower was a little tray of soil. Ciaran said ‘look, the wind has blown the seeds.’ Miss Jackson said ‘wow how many seeds are there?’ and the boys attempted to count them. Well done boys, you are learning all about autumn and seed dispersal.