Welcome to Year 6
Class Teacher: Mr Shelton
Teaching Assistant: Miss Carty
Year 6 Information
Year 6 positive quote:
“Asking for help isn’t giving up, it’s refusing to give up.”
Charlie Mackesy
Useful Websites
Times Table Rockstars –Daily practice of multiplication and division facts.
Prodigy Maths –Maths problem solving through online games.
SATS Companion –Practice questions and tasks for topics in Maths, Reading and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Help your child develop their understanding with video lessons on all the key topics, available at any time.
Spelling Shed-Please access Spelling Shed to view your child’s weekly spelling list and compete in fun spelling games.
Knowsley Library eBooks-Please ensure your child reads daily. Using their personal login, your child can access a wealth of quality books online for free.
Oxford Owl- -Here you will find eBooks that follow our school reading scheme.
Oak National Academy-Free online classroom that teaches children through teacher led, pre-recorded videos.
BBC Bitesize-Learning resources for children, parents and teachers.