Accelerated Reader
I’ve received a few enquiries regarding accessing Accelerated Reader therefore I’ve added the link to the webpage below.
Hint: Use capital letters for your username and password
I hope this helps everyone, for queries then please email me at
I’ll do my best to respond as quick as possible.
Happy reading 🙂
Miss Stephens
18.8.15 Update:
Some people seem to be getting a message saying there are no quizzes available (see screenshot picture below).
I am currently working on solving this problem, so please don’t panic if you have not yet completed the reading part of the summer challenge, you will get extra time.
Check back for more updates
26.8.15 Update:
We are experiencing technical difficulties with the Accelerated Reader website and are working with Accelerated Reader Company to resolve these issues.
Please ensure you have completed the rest of the summer challenge to be eligible for the prize
27.8.15 Update:
We are back in business! All should be working as usual now, good luck in completing the SUMMER CHALLENGE!!
Apologies for the inconvenience caused
Miss Stephens/Mrs Veevers