Curriculum Overview
Year 1 Spring Term
We will be following both the Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Primary Strategy for literacy this year. In autumn we will be working on the following areas:
- 2 weeks Poetry using senses
- 3 weeks Traditional stories
- 2 weeks recount dictionary
- 2 weeks poetry rhyme and pattern
- 3 weeks information texts
We will be following both the Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Primary Strategy for numeracy this year. In autumn we will be working on the following areas:
- Solve problems using, addition and subtraction
- Estimate a number of objects and check by counting
- 10 more, 10 less
- Solve problems using money, doubling and halving
- Answer a question by selecting and using the appropriate equipment
- Measure objects using the correct equipment and units, cm, m, ml, l etc
- Record information using block graphs, pictures and pictograms
- Sort objects according to a criterion
- Use vocabulary related to time, ordering days of the week and month
- Read time to the hour and half hour
- Count on or back in 1s, 2s, 5s or 10s
- Solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2,5 or 10
We will be following the ‘Come and See’ scheme of work for RE this year. This term we will be working on the following topics:
- Community
- Relating
- Giving
Science will be taught discreetly on a weekly basis. Your child will complete the following topics this term:
- Materials
- Forces
PLODS (possible lines of development)
The foundation subjects will be taught 2 afternoons a week, the lessons will include history, geography, art, music, DT, ICT, international studies and PE. The topics will be based on the children’s interests and decided at the beginning of each term. Our first topic will be:
- Gardens
PE will take place every Friday morning; children will focus on games this term. They will also have yoga with Miss Edwards on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has full kit.
We will follow the SMART learning scheme of work for ICT. This term they will be looking at recognising letters on the key board and mouse control.
Your child will be given homework on a Friday to be in on the Monday. This will be based on the Maths and English work that they have done in the week. Your children will require your help with this and it is an excellent way to consolidate what they have learnt in school. They will also be sent home with reading books, please take the time to read daily with your child, even for ten minutes as this will help them considerably. I will also send home the sounds and words that we have covered in the week so that you can reinforce these at home.
Thank you for supporting your child in their learning if you have any other questions please ask.
Miss Henderson
Mrs Westhead