The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding to raise attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. It is allocated for children from low-income families, many of whom are eligible for Free School Meals, children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months or children eligible for service child premium in any of the previous 4 years
Funding allocations
£1345 per pupil for FSM pupils aged 4 and over in Rec to Year 6
£2345 per pupil for each post-LAC full time equivalent (managed by virtual school head and to be used for PEP)
£310 early years pupil premium (EYPP) for disadvantaged eligible 3-4 year olds accessing 570 hours of early years education.
This document details the proposed strategy and spend of the Pupil Premium 2020/21 in support of closing the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers at St Albert’s.
Allocation for 2021/22
For the Year 2021/22 St Albert’s Primary School has been allocated Pupil Premium funds of £148,550 plus £4,100 for Lac, £310 for Service and £2,440 EYFS children which totals £155,400
- We will ensure that the PPG is used effectively to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children
- We will consider closely the barrier to learning that disadvantaged children in St Albert’s face.
- We will ensure that approaches used are evidenced based and adequately monitored.
- In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals.
Self -Assessment
School self assessment resulted in the identification of the following barriers to learning
High percentage of SEN PP and Low number of HA
- Low attainment/progress for PP children especially in reading and maths
- Poor oral skills
- Behaviour including poor attitudes to learning and lack of engagement
- Poor exposure to experiences which impacts on oral skills, understanding, reading and writing
- Attendance
- Family engagement
This year we are also incorporating the catch up and vulnerabilities caused by COVID and Lockdown
Z – Covid related issues
School self assessment resulted in the identification of the need for the following key objectives
- Quality first teaching in reading, writing and maths – to raise attainment by improving teaching and learning.
- Targeted support to raise attainment- to ensure that PP children have access to a range of intervention and support strategies.
- Family engagement and support- to develop approaches which do no PP due to lack of family engagement and support and to seek approaches which encourage families to support their child’s learning
- Widening of opportunities – to provide a range of opportunities for pupils to access learning opportunities and widen their experiences. This will impact upon their attainment oral skills, reading skills, well being self esteem and confidence and also raise their aspirations.
- Social and emotional support
- Improving Speech and language throughout the school with an emphasis on improving vocabulary
- COVID vulnerabilities
St Albert’s Pupil Premium Plan 2021-22
Click these links for more information on 2020 -21 funding