What to do if……
…your child is going to be late or is ill.
Ring the school and inform us as soon as possible.
….your child needs to bring medication, prescribed by the doctor. (Emergency medicines only.)
Fill in a medicine request form at the office and notify the class teacher or key worker.
….your child is going on holiday during term time.
Fill in a holiday request form at the office.
Parents are reminded that taking holidays during term time is not encouraged and can have a detrimental affect on children’s education.
….you are going to be late picking your child up.
Ring school as soon as possible.
….someone other than the usual adult is collecting your child.
Inform the class teacher and the child.
…your home circumstances change.
Please let us know. We want your child to be happy and the loss of a pet, death in the family or family upset such as separation can cause children to feel confused and unhappy. We want to support them as much as possible and to be sympathetic to families during stressful times.
What we shall do if ……
…..your child has an accident or is ill at school.
We shall make every effort to contact you or failing that your emergency contact number. Please tell us of any changes i.e house move, new phone number etc.
Should we be unable to contact you for any reason, we will act in your child’s best interest.
….we have any concerns about your child at school.
We will arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss any concern.