Year 3 – Catholic Life
Our year 3 children spent the afternoon at our Prayer Garden.
Our year 3 children spent the afternoon at our Prayer Garden.
Today, we read the scripture reading from the Gospel of Luke (24: 1-9) about the women at the tomb being told that Jesus had risen. We worked in groups to act out what happened when the women heard this exciting news. As you can see from our pictures, we think people would have been extremely shocked to hear the news. The pupils who played the men who passed on this amazing news, read scripture from the Bible; “The Lord Jesus is not here; he has been raised from the dead he is alive. Remember what he said to you while he was in Galilee: that he would be crucified, and three days later rise to life.”
In Year 2, we are all friends. We look after each other, as Jesus told us to and share our things. We treat each other with respect and play nicely together. When one of our friends is sad, we care for them and help to cheer them up.
In Year 2, we acted out events of Maundy Thursday, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. We learnt that during Holy week, a special Mass takes place and the priest washes the feet of the people in church. This is to remind everyone that Jesus did this to show his friends how they must behave towards each other – caring for and looking after each other. Jesus said, “I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you.”
The children have been learning about ‘forgiveness’ during Lent and the importance of friendship and saying sorry. This has encouraged us to make better choices and follow Jesus’ footsteps.