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School Council

School council is an integral part of school life. The elected council are the voice of the children in school. They play a similar role to politicians and take the people’s views to a debate. The children have to apply for school council and convince their peers that they can do the job. Applications are then put to general vote. When appointed, those appointed take their role very seriously to ensure that the children in school are given a voice. Many changes have been brought about over the past couple of years due to the hard work of the council.

What does the student council?

  • Make a positive change that benefits the school, community or class.
  • Participate in school council meetings.
  • Represent your class.
  • Listen to others and think of solutions.
  • Apply for a role within the council (ie chairperson, minute taker).
  • Take a lead role in supporting school activities and fundraising.

Meet The School Council!

Skyla and Evelyn Year2, Remmi and Finn Year 3, Luna and Ella Year 4, Harvey and Laken Year 5.





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