Our walk through the woods!
It was a very exciting day today as we went on our first walk through the woods! As we left nursery Tyler found a ladybird and was so excited he wanted to take it with us on our walk. The children walked for a while with the ladybird and took turns holding it on a branch but it soon flew away! As we walked into the forest we saw lots of beautiful autumn leaves and we watched them fall from the trees. Some of the leaves were green, yellow, orange and red! We talked about the size of the leaves, some of them were bigger than our face! We put the leaves on our head and pretended it was an umbrella! We then found lots of berries in the trees, they were all different shades of red and different sizes. We thought they were very soft and cold. We then enjoyed kicking and standing on the crunchy brown leaves on the pavement. We enjoyed walking through the long wavy grass, we sang the story from ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ “we’re going on a bear hunt, we’re going to catch a big one, we’re not scared, uh oh, grass, long wavy grass, we can’t go over it, we can’t go under it, we’ve got to go through it! swishy, swashy, swishy swashy!” We walked to see the River Alt. We thought about what could live in the River Alt, we thought crocodiles, sharks, snakes at first! Then we looked very closely and we could see little fish and a bird having a bath! We talked about the litter in the river and how important it is to put rubbish in the bin. We walked to the pumping station and talked about how the pumps clean the water. We could hear the water flowing through the pumps! We then walked back towards our nursery and talked about the houses surrounding our school and where we live. To our surprise, we found another ladybird on one of the leaves we were carrying, we were so excited that our ladybird had came back and we brought him back to nursery, we are hoping he visits us again tomorrow! We then enjoyed hot chocolates and pancakes to warm us up back at nursery.
Thank you for being so sensible on our walk nursery, you are always so well behaved, we have had a lovely day and we are already planning our next trip to the woods!
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