Just a few reminders
As the children are beginning to learn to read and write, it is important that they practice at home, 5-10 minutes per night really makes a difference to their progress.
They are given key words and a book in their reading bag each week. Please send in the reading bag every day so that we can change their books regularly. It is really helpful if you do fill in the reading record each time you share reading with your child.
PE day is Thursday for the Reception class.
Please ensure your child has a PE kit which can be left in school for each Half Term.
(navy shorts, light blue T.shirt, black pumps- all labelled clearly with child’s name in a separate PE bag, not their book bag).
Can you also make sure all your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name, including jumpers/cardigans and coats as it makes it much easier for us to find if they are labelled.
Please ensure your child has a warm coat and suitable shoes as the weather gets colder, as they do play out throughout the day.
We give the children snack every day-a selection of cereal, yoghurt, biscuit, crackers with cheese/butter/jam and juice. They also have free fruit. Could parents please pay a small contribution of £1 per week towards the cost of snack.
Regular attendance at school is vital to ensure your child reaches his/her full potential. We want the Reception class to win theSt Albert’s Attendance Trophy each week!
We will send home the weekly newsletter to keep you informed of all that is happening in our school. This is sent home each Friday.
Parents are always welcome at our Celebration Assembly each Friday at 2.30 pm in the school hall.
Your co-operation is really appreciated.
We hope your child will continue to grow in the love of Jesus Christ- (our Mission Statement) and that we can work in partnership with you to give your child the best of St Albert’s school family.